Our Team

We are all volunteers here, an association of crafters with a united purpose.  The team who make up the Association Committee run the organisation on behalf of all the people who volunteer with us.

Wendy Jenkins

Roles: President, Public Officer, Freight Manager, Recruitment Manager, NSW and acting NT, WA,NSW,QLD State Manager

Hello everyone, my name is Wendy I’m in my late 50's, I’m a widow and a mother to 4 adult children, Chris, Jason, Stephanie and Brandon, 1 daughter in law Peng (who is married to son Chris), and two gorgeous granddaughters Amelia & Chelsea whose parents are Stephanie and her partner Corey. One gorgeous grandson Aiden whose parents are Chris & Peng. We have 3 fur babies Rottweilers Brutus, Liah and Buddy, I live in a little country town in the Hunter Valley Area of NSW. I first joined Angel Gowns for Australian Angel Babies Inc, back in July/August 2014 not long after it started, when the group popped up in my newsfeed on Facebook one night, I joined as a knitter and crocheter. I have been very lucky with my pregnancies even carried my twins right up to 37 weeks, before the Dr said "Well that’s it, there’s no more room for these two" and booked me in to be induced.

During my time with the charity, I have taken on some important managerial roles besides my love for knitting and crocheting, I now manage all our freight bookings, watermarking the photos, Recruiting Volunteer Manager, I’m also the Public Officer and President, I’m State Manager for NSW and acting Manager for some other states and there’s always a lot of behind the scenes work that needs to be done. I have learnt so much while doing these roles, things I didn’t know I would need. I love getting to know our volunteers and have formed long lasting friendships and enjoy our daily chats.

My time with Angel Gowns for Australian Angel Babies Inc, is now shared with my beautiful grandchildren, they sure know how to keep their Nan Nan on her toes, but I wouldn't have it any other way.,

Lyn Gibson

Roles: Vice President, QA Manager

Hi my name is Lyn Gibson. I’m a Mum of 3 girls and a grandma to 2 grandsons and 1 granddaughter. One day I was looking at Facebook and came across a post on Angel Gowns. They were looking for people to sew and make angel gowns. I was at a point in my life that I felt I had no purpose and thought this might be what I needed, to be able to help families in such a sad time of their lives. I have always loved to do craft and sew and when my girls had grown up there really wasn’t any need for me to sew. I contacted Angel Gowns and have been a member of this organisation for about 5 years now. Since joining I have not only sewn, I have also made all the other components for the packs and many thank you cards. I have met some lovely ladies through this group and some I’m sure will be lifetime friends which has been an added bonus from joining this group.

Deb Ruedin

Roles: Secretary, Grants Manager

Hi I’m Deb, married to Noel for over 40 years and mother of six gorgeous daughters and Nanna to six grandsons and five granddaughters. I’m one of the fortunate ones to have been blessed with easy pregnancies and births and as my girls have grown older and now independent, I found myself with extra time on my hands. Angel Gowns came across my news feed one day and instantly I was drawn to the cause. It puts life into perspective for me, each time I make a tiny angel gown and think of the heartache for that family I am reminded of what’s truly important in life, and am grateful every day for the health and well being of my family. If my efforts with Angel Gowns can provide a parent with any small comfort at this devastating time then I feel truly honoured to do it.

Heather Partridge

Role: Treasurer

I am in my 50s and live on the NSW South Coast. I started volunteering as a seamstress in 2015 as sewing has always been a major hobby. Using my creativity and skills to provide support to families, working with the most beautiful fabrics; I am very lucky to have met up with this group. Coming from an IT and web publishing background in the public service, I soon found I could help in other ways.

Working with such a caring, devoted team of people is so much more fulfilling than I would have imagined, if I had thought to imagine it.

Jude Vienna-Hallam

Roles: Committee Member, Tasmania State Manager

As a married (Geoff for 31 years) Mum (Krista, Jyeren, Shelbi, Eboni and Storm) and Nonna (Lily-Ann, Leonardo and Leon-Daniel). I treasure every moment I have with my family, knowing firsthand the heartache of losing one so small. I was very overwhelmed to be asked to be a member of the board, as I felt it was such an amazing opportunity to help and support these lovely hardworking ladies, who are always there to help families during these most difficult times and support our hardworking volunteers.

Cassandra Leigh Hollis

Role: South Australia State Manager

I'm a mother of rainbow baby Phoenix and four beautiful boys including Sebastian, 6, a rambunctious wild child with ADHD, Noah 3, also a wild child with epilepsy. I started with Angel Gowns after having my third beautiful baby boy Charlie at 40 weeks of my pregnancy. We were unable to bring Charlie home. Angel Gowns were there for us with their amazingly beautiful packs. Volunteering with crocheting has helped me through this grieving process.

Di Overton

Role: Committee Member

Hi my name is Dianna but go by Di. I am a retiree and have been married to John for 44 years. We have 5 children and 23 grandchildren including our angels Jane and Konner as well as 3 great grandchildren. When Konner was born with wings at 31 weeks the only clothes his mum and dad could get were teddy bear clothes for him to be buried in, that’s why when I saw the request asking for volunteers I jumped at the chance to become involved to help other families dress their angels in something beautiful.

Wilma Howard Smith

Role: Committee Member

Hi I'm Wilma married to Rodney. Mum to my beautiful daughters Rachelle and Lisa, Grandma to Sarah, Josh, Zayne, Brayden, Rashanna and Great Grandma to Nate and Gabe. I have always had a passion for sewing so when I retired, I found myself looking for something I could channel this passion to. So went searching and Angel Gowns for Australian Angel Babies was the first on the list and I knew I didn't need to look any further. In the time I have been a member of the team I have found everyone very kind and supportive. I am proud to be part of this amazing organisation.

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